About Us

European Mortar Industry Organisation (EMO)

The European Mortar Industry Organisation (EMO) is an association that emerged from an initiative of European mortar manufacturers. The aim was and is a coordinated and positive representation of the interests of the European mortar and external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) industry vis-à-vis the technical committees and bodies of the EU and in the preparation of European technical legislation. EMO today has members from 9 European countries and two corresponding partner companies.

Antonio Caballero González

Secretary General - EMO

Katharina Lenning

Technical & Communication Officer - EMO

BCF - Building Congress Forum

The BCF – Building Congress Forum GmbH offers professional planning and organization of events in the international congress business.

BCF means: Specialised knowledge in the whole value chain of building & expertise in organizing on the one hand as well as professional event management & strategic communication through established platforms on the other hand.

By doing this, BCF unites two powers:
Bauverlag BV GmbH and FBF Betondienst GmbH.

Denny Bakirtzis

Head of Organization - BCF

Adrian Meindl

Exhibition Manager - BCF

Andrea Greiner

Participants & Supporting Program - BCF

Contact us!

Don’t hesitate to contactus in case you need anything. We are glad to help!